…And Fun Was Had By All!

August 31st, 2023

Wow! It feels like it was just June 25th – campers were arriving for the start of Session 1 and counselors were getting ready for 6-weeks of fun.

This summer was special. We had a solid team of staff who were amazing role models, helping all of our campers build connections and grow through the four spokes philosophy. And our campers were a tight-knit community, with a really strong group of Senior IIIs taking on more leadership and enjoying their final summer as campers. Here were some of the highlights from Summer 2023:

The Tribal Games

Both sessions saw some heavy competition from the Hawks and the Rattlers. We had awesome commanders this summer who worked together with their chiefs to come up with creative and daring showings and the spirit points were high. The Hawks took the win for both Session One and Session Two.

A Magical 4th of July

Netop was taken over by the Wizarding World on July 4th this year. Everything was going well as campers were sorted into different houses, created their magical wands, and learned some spells. Then, a dark wizard tried to take over, but luckily we were saved with the hard work of the campers and counselors and everything was restored to normal by the end of the day.

Klondike Day, Holidays, and Carnival

Special event days are always fun and this summer was no different. We breathed new life into Klondike this year with the creation of Mayor Klondike and his wiley team of bandits. Holidays took us for a trip around the world and through the calendar, celebrating as many different holidays as we could in one day. And the Carnival was a big hit, as usual, with the dunk tank and beat the dealer being the most popular stations.

Morning Activities

Although we kept with the tried and true activities this year, campers were happy with their choices. We had a lot of new campers who were excited to learn carpentry in the woodshop, fishing was extremely popular, and Dungeons and Dragons still captivatesour campers.

Summer 2023, by the numbers

76 total campers served this summer
11 Super Sundaes given out and over 60 Netop sundaes served
9 trips went to places like Katahdin, Isle au Haute, New Hampshire, and Acadia
1 social with Camp Arcadia
Over 20 different intercamp activities and tournaments were played
Over 150 Netop talks were had, setting goals in the Four Spokes for the upcoming year

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